יחידת טוקבק\IFB שישה ערוצים
CTP Systems
יחידת טוקבק\IFB במארז 1U לדיבור אל ומעד שש יחידות קצה

- Six inputs, six outputs.
- Keys up to latch, down for momentary.
- Rear panel key latch disable.
- Audio present LEDS on each channel.
- Talk LED indication.
- Separate mic amps with adjustable gain for headset and stalk
- Speaker / stalkmic / headset select switching.
- Four wire inputs may be switched to operate as IFB interrupt
feeds. DIP switches to enable IFB monitoring.
- Hot line level microphone output.
- Aux d9 for footswitch operation of all channels
- Headphone socket suitable for both A and B gauge jacks.
- Transformers on all inputs and outputs.
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