יחידת טוקבק\IFB שישה ערוצים +4 ערוצי IFB
CTP Systems
יחידת טוקבק\IFB במארז 1U לדיבור אל ומעד שש יחידות קצה, עם 4 כניסות IFB שניתנות להפניה לכל אחת מיחידות הקצה.

Six inputs, six outputs.Keys up to latch, down for momentary.Rear panel key latch disable.Audio present LEDS on each channel.Talk LED indication.Separate mic amps with adjustable gain for headset and stalk mic.Speaker / stalkmic / headset select switching.Four wire inputs may be switched to operate as IFB interrupt feeds. DIP switches to enable IFB monitoring.4 additional IFB inputs that can be pointed towards any of the 6 4-Wire outputs.Hot line level microphone output.Aux d9 for footswitch operation of all channelsHeadphone socket suitable for both A and B gauge jacks.Transformers on all inputs and outputs.
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